New version of skype for mac cannot add contact?
New version of skype for mac cannot add contact?

User Inside Corp-Network with domain joined laptop: Certificate (TLS-DSK) User Outside the Corp-Network using a domain joined laptopīefore we dig in, understand that Skype for business as well as previous version of Lync uses 3 different methods of authentication:.

new version of skype for mac cannot add contact? new version of skype for mac cannot add contact? new version of skype for mac cannot add contact?

User inside the Corp-Network using a domain joined laptop.Ok so the Client successfully located the frontend, now comes the fun part, authenticating against the frontend there are a number of scenarios to consider here: Just for your information the second time the user will try to sign-in the client will go directly to the Frontend pool, not going through the whole process again unless it cannot discover the lyncdiscoverinternal or you flushed the DNS. In case you did not already catch on that, skype4b try to resolve either lyncdiscoverinternal or lyncdiscover which will let the client to know if it is inside or outside the Corp-Network. Well you get the idea 🙂īack to our example let’s consider that all your DNS requirements are there, what happens then is because the new employee sitting inside the Corp network, the client will get a response for the lyncdiscoverinternal record and then will contact the frontend pool and authenticate with it. When the client cannot resolve the first DNS records it tries the second one, if not then the third if not then…. I did a test using a fake sip-domain to show you the logic in how Skype4b client discover the frontend IP-addresses, following screenshot is taken from MS Network Monitoring tool So as you see in the video, the Skype4b client is designed to search for the frontend pool using pre-coded DNS records, it gets the domain name from the user’s sip-address one in red (user sip-domain) then start adding to it pre-coded values in the following order: Note: in real life not all mentioned steps are conducted by the Skype for Business client. Skype for business client autodiscover logic

new version of skype for mac cannot add contact?

#New version of skype for mac cannot add contact? password#

So let us say that a new Employee joined the company, got his/her new company’s laptop and sitting in the office, fired it up and started Skype for business client, wrote the SIP-address and password and clicked “Sign-In”, now what? What is happening in the background? Following video shows a step by step of the discovery mechanism that Skype for business client conduct to locate the frontend. Will start with explaining how SkypeFB client locate the frontend, then moving forward will explain the Authentication process, this will be very handy for you when troubleshooting. In this article I will revisit the Autodiscover and Authentication process of the Skype for business clients. It has been a while since my last “Simple Understanding” article, so as the year getting to an end, I decided to address a topic that is already address before in many great blog articles, but hay… you know me, it is important to me that my followers and readers can have everything they look for in my blog as well as I’m addressing this topic, and as I always do with my simple understanding series, I will be using non-technical words as much as I can, easy to understand phrases and explanation and of course videos shows the flow under the hood, so let’s get cracking 🙂

New version of skype for mac cannot add contact?